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Painting Notes

I never really did much painting in high school. As I said in the About the Artist, I was too much of a neat freak to really enjoy the messiness of paint. However, I really love the things you can do with paint, so I finally took an acrylic painting workshop in the winter of 2003-04. I still haven't done much painting, because during the workshop my daughter was born. It's hard to paint when you don't know how long you'll get to work, and you can't just leave it sitting out for a few hours until you get back to it.

So after doing my first painting (which isn't pictured here; it's a reproduction of a painting I own), I finished the Do Not painting and then put things away until the fall. I've only done a few more paintings since then but I've been pleased with the results, and I'm hoping to do some more in the near future.

[posted 2.5.05 and pre-dated for archiving reasons]

March 01, 2004

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